Blue charm bridesmaid bouquet is made with stunning blue and white hydrangea with white roses, blue astrantia and eucalyptus foliage. The handle is finished off in your choice of natural jute twine or white satin ribbon.
Bouquet measures 22cm in diameter.
Flowers are made to order so please allow 2-3 weeks before your flowers are delivered.
At Polly's Secret Garden, we only use the highest quality artificial flowers. So life-like, nobody will even know your gorgeous floral bouquets aren't fresh.
This bouquet would co-ordinate with any theme but has been made as part of our Blue Charm collection, also available in bride's bouquet, buttonhole, flower girl and more.
Love this bouquet but want to add something different? Click here to go to our custom design form and we will get back to you with a quote.
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